Rob Hopkins

Rob Hopkins is a prolific arranger and a long-time quartet and chorus competitor, including multiple years of competing in a quartet and directing a chorus in international competitions. He is a Certified Master Director and has been a musical director for over 45 years. He has served on the Harmony University faculty over twenty years.


Rob was inducted into the Barbershop Harmony Society’s Hall of Fame in 2017. A member since 1976, Rob served as Society President in 2004-05. He has been a certified judge for almost thirty years, first in Arrangement, then Music, and currently Administrative Judge. He served as C&J Committee Chairman when the current judging system was adopted.


Rob has a Ph.D. in music history and theory from the University of Pennsylvania. He taught music history and theory in the Music Department at Hamilton College from 1983 until retiring in 2021. His article about changes in the Society’s judging program and concomitant performance changes entitled “From ‘the Chord Was King’ to “a Dynamic Journey’: Changes in the Barbershop Quartet Style in Contests Since the 1950s” was published in American Music, vol. 38 in spring 2020.